Mittwoch, 16. Januar 2008

...things we don't actually talk about...

Manchmal (oder oft) taumelnd durch die Gassen streifen ohne je Anzukommen, aber mit Ziel. Kalter Schauer überzieht die Welt und nur ich, getragen von der Lava des Verwirrten, schwebe fast schon, unterwasser versteht sich. Wir wundern uns immer, woher die Wörter kommen, die Häuser einzustürzen vermögen und wer hat die Symbole gezeichnet, die uns zur Kapitulation- wenn dann richtig- zwingen. Schlichtweg unfassbar haben sie dieses Phänomen genannt, doch sie kannten dich nicht, zum Glück. Ich wundere mich, wie oft wir noch zwinkern können, bevor die Nacht uns das Blindsein aufzwingt. Wir kennen die Sorgen der anderen, wir probieren aus was passen könnte. Schmerzen haben wir abboniert, nur zur Sicherheit.
Ein Seiltänzer ist nicht allein, doch fühlt er sich vielleicht manchmal so. Der Blick über die Schultern gleicht dem Todesurteil und umdrehen existiert nicht imVokabular, das heisst wir wundern uns auch nicht, dass Seiltänzer das Vertrauen erfunden haben, wundern uns ebenfalls nicht, dass es kaum alte Seilartisten gibt.
Doch vielleicht, weil ja jeder- sei er noch so wehleidig - seine Lektion lernen kann und so die Welt kurz auf den Kopf zu stellen vermag, um fest zu schütteln und einzusammeln was rausfällt. Wie so wieder die Zeit vergeht übrigens, der Winter ist bereits immun geworden gegen die Kälte und ich geimpft gegen den Frühling. Der Regen tröpfelt noch vereinzelte Wörter auf mein Haupt und die sind keineswegs ein Scherz sondern was mich nun endlich weckt, rausreist. Grins nicht so blöd, du Zaubergeist und verkneif dir deinen Spott. Das ist ein Kapitel unserer Geschichte jetzt.

...nur zuschauer?!...

...are we actually only sitting in the audience and watch our life pass by? It seems as if my life would be changing right now...more than in the two months maybe... Some of it is slowly moving how it used to be in the crappy old days I hardly wanna think about. I feeling less free and acting the same way...people suddenly appeared back and I swear I kinda had forgotten about them...they remind me of who I used to be...some parts of that Ra I'm still trying to get back..some of it I wanna leave behind. I'm just watching....and my life's also moving forwards. People are leaving, I can already see them gone even if there still here. I wish I could go out of this state I'm in right now...(which has not too much to do with having to study...I mean that's a fact but I'm also very much into this me against the world right now and I guess not everyone likes that..)
Maybe it's just time for a few changes? (Bummer that I changed the blog layout just some time ago...others seem to try it that way...) I could finally cut those bloody hair I guess...but you know... it would be a little bit like cutting of my tattoo...the NZ sun's still in those hair...
Anyway..I've been called a "very good person" today, eccezionale. Did I earn that? Or have I just shown her only the partly truth..who knows. Two people who I once called friends and maybe still do re-appeared in my life today. Thanks to them. They were a piece of reality in this grey day. I'm looking forward to all those marvelous things with you Peace! It's time we continue were we stop back then ;) And you..Wally number 1...I'm a bit worried about you...but I'm sure you're rocking those frogs :) That's it from me today... (that's for you!!! Hope we gonna sing it together again like in the good old days Mitchy!)

btw...never let a day pass without somebody who thinks you're's worth it!!

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Zitate :)

adesso per sfogarmi scrivo,per descrivere il mondo in cui vivo scrivo, per descrivere il mondo in cui vorrei vivere pratica scrivo sempre. - Elo./ / /Used to say there was four women in every man's heart. The Maid in the Meadow, the Demon Lover, The Stouthearted Woman, the Tall and Quiet Woman. It was just a thing he said. I don't know what it means. I don't know where he got it. - E. Annie Proulx, Shipping News (p. 182)/ / /...è perché avevo il biglietto in tasca pensavo di dover partire. - Plinio Martini, Il fondo del sacco (p. 7)

Funk me ;)

The Waifs, Patent Ochsner, Jack Johnson, Bob Marley, Jovanotti, Nine Days, Ben Harper, Ennio Morricone, Clueso, Matt Costa, Anouk, Huber Büne, Luciano Ligabue, Foo Fighters, Kenny Lövrin, KT Tunstall, Jamie Cullum, Die Toten Hosen, Kettcar, Green Day, Radiohead, Dido, Missy Higgins, Matchbox Twenty, Belle and Sebastian, Die Ärzte, Simple Plan, Our Lady Peace, Oasis, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Jet, ¡Bucho!, 3 Doors Down, Jones, Incubus, Alanis Morissette, Maná, Ingo Pohlmann, Creed, William White, Bright Eyes, Gentleman, Weezer, Patrice, Cold Chisel, Travis, Tomte, Tom Waits, Wir sind Helden, Alter Bridge, Check out my music taste:

All time favourite song...

Seen live....(just a few..)

A camp (Zürich) Animal liberation Orchestra (Zürich) Ben Harper (Basel) Clueso (Zürich x2, Bern, Hergiswil) Francesco Guccini (Bellinzona) Franz Ferdinand (Gampel) Jack Johnson (Zürich) Jovanotti (Gampel) Le Braghe Corte (Lugano) Mando Diao (Gampel) Matt Costa (Zürich) Muse (Gampel) Nada Surf (Gampel) Patent Ochsner (Gampel) Patrice (Gampel) Plain White T's (Zürich) Radiohead *heard live ;) (Milano) Sarah Bettens (Zürich, Solothurn) The Delilahs (Altdorf) William White (Stans, Hergiswil, Basel, Altdorf)...




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